It’s only been a few months since I last wrote you but it feels like years with the way you are growing! It seems like everyday there is some new curiosity, a new “word” (we’re still working on getting Momma to come out that mouth), or a different expression that only melts your parent’s hearts even more. You have tons of teeth coming in now! And yes I have experienced them first hand! I know it was just a love nibble though. It’s amazing how much I look forward to seeing you everyday when I leave work. You crawl over to me now when I come to pick you up, and now that your are standing, you even pull yourself up using my pants and reach for my affection. You make everything in my world complete! I wanted to list some of the crazy/awesome things you now do!!
1. You’re crawling!!! Which means you are EVERYWHERE!! In this room, in that room, sprinting towards the dog bowls or helping Momma get ready for work, you do your special crawl to get everywhere. I’ll show you your “special crawl” when you get older. We have good videos of it!
2. You play with all things that don’t start with T and end with Y. That’s right… your favorite things to play with are my backscratcher and a curtain rod! Two fairly similar objects now that I think about it. I’ll get you a baseball bat soon enough! But for now it’s pretty funny to see you making moves with a curtain rod glued to your hands. I don’t think the puppy dogs appreciate it very much sometimes, but I’m sure they get over it quickly.
3. Kind of an extension from number 2... You love, and I mean LOVE, to go to the kitchen and pull out mommy and daddy’s collection of 100’s of plastic grocery bags!!! Our kitchen can go from a nice, clean tile floor, to a sea of red and white Target bags with a crazy little monster lurking in its depths. Oh and we have the pictures to prove it, believe me!
4. A recent development… YOUR’E STANDING! And showing your parents how you can stand on EVERYTHING! So now, you don’t just crawl to places… you get there and then stand victorious with either your Sir Noah sword or your nun chucks! I promise they aren’t dangerous… the sword is Styrofoam and the nun chucks are made out of two ceiling fan thingys (don’t ask me, your Aunt Sally made it for you and you loved it immediately). Next stop: the shoe store!!! I have some Jordan #3’s already picked out!
…and last but not least, my favorite thing you do:
5. You throw things!! And not only do you chunk stuff clear across the room… you do it with your left arm! Ahhhh, I can see it now… “And on the mound, standing at a staggering 6’2, the left handed flamethrower himself, NOAAAAAHHHHHHH FIIIIIIIIRESTONNEEEEEE!!!” Eww wee, that sent chills down my spine! That’s right, you now throw things, and to your daddy’s utmost enjoyment, you always throw with your left arm! I cannot wait to play catch with you. I already thoroughly enjoy sitting on the floor with you and returning the ball or toy you hurled my way. You’re awesome!
And those are just a few of the many things you do that make my world go ‘round. Everyday you give me something to look forward to whether it is stuffed animal to the face or a stand up greeting when I come through the door! Even a smile is all a person needs from you. Like your Mommy says, “Noah’s smile can always fix everything!” And she couldn’t be more right. I love you Button! We’ll be in touch : )
With love,
P.S. I noticed last night that when you released the toy fish your elbow wasn’t bent. Remember… reach back and then bend your elbow as you bring your arm forward and release the ball/toy from your finger tips. You’re on your way! I already have Drew Rosenhaus’ number waiting.
I love you. I contemplated my first words of this letter for quite some time, jumping from a seemingly cool "Yo! Pops in the house!" to a simple "How are you?" As I was searching for the perfect words I think my heart took control of my fingers and typed what it wanted. I have felt the urge to write you letters because even though we talk everyday, I know you can't understand me but I want you to be able to know how I am feeling at this stage of your wonderful life. And sometimes it is a little hard to understand what each "Dah dah dah" you sing means. Of course I like to think that you just love your Dah-Dah so much that it's all you want coming out of your mouth! I'll never forget the day when we got home from daycare and you were sooo happy that you couldn't stop "talking". You were full of dah dah's and uh-ba's and letting me know how much you really wanted to tell me about your day. So I sat on the ottoman with you and shared my day too. You were such a great listener as you rolled around with your Baby Einstein radio blaring and chiming in with an occasional soft "da-da-da" to interrupt my rambling. I swear we sat together for nearly an hour until your mommy walked in the door. It's little moments like our first conversation that have been filling my heart for the last 7 months which makes me think that by your 1st birthday my heart might burst! It seems that you've grown at the speed of light! You're huge! The only thing not growing on your body is your hair but that's ok. It's kind of your bread winner right now, other than your mouth-wide-open smile, which seems more legit now because you have a little pearly white poking out.
You are perfect. SO perfect that it makes all those thoughts of being terrified and unprepared before you were born seem silly. I want you to know that you have changed every aspect of my life for the better. You veered me off of an aimless path and put me on course towards everything I ever wanted. Both your mommy and I could not be more in love and in love with you. You found every part of me that was lost and helped me become a better man. That's saying a lot for such a little guy. But that's how big of an impact your beautiful existence has made and you will always be my main man! You're already my best friend................... sorry, had to take a break after that one. I'll go ahead an end this before I short circuit the computer from these tears dripping off my peaking cheek bones. I love you partner!
P.S. Two helpful things you should know:
(1) Keep your chin to your shoulder and your elbows back.
(2) A change-up can be your best tool on the mound.
One of my favorite moments every day is when Noah smiles at me! His big toothless grin melts my heart (even when there is a mouthful of drool coming out - which is typical)!! This is a photo journey of the many smiles of Noah!
The Newborn Smile
The first picture of Noah smiling was captured by my very talented Brother-In-Law, Heath. He was doing a newborn photo shoot for us when Noah, 6 days old, decided to cheese for him
1 week
Sleep Smile
6 weeks
In the newborn period I would have pretty much counted any facial expression a smile as long as it didn't look like this...
Noah's first Thanksgiving
5 weeks
But like all children he grew out of the newborn phase and was able to start showing his JOY and LOVE through his expressions! At that point (and still now) Josh and I would do anything to make him smile! What we really need pics of is what were doing behind the camera to get these expressions!
My Favorite Grin
I know everyone thinks their kid is cute, but seriously, I don't think I have mom blinders on here. Keep scrolling, you'll be convinced...
Playin in the Bumbo
2.5 months
Ready to go!
3 months
Jumper fun
3.5 months
Chillin on the ottoman (aka toy central)
4 months old
Noah's I like to chew on my fingers Stage
5 months
Swinging with Katie and Chris!
6 months
Helpin Mama get ready for work
7.5 months
(wow that just made me realize how old he is...tear)
The Open Mouth Smile
Now were getting to the really good stuff. I LOVE this face he makes! You can tell when he is really really happy!
3 months
Tickle Tickle
4 months
St. Patty's Day
5 months
Photo shoot at Aunt Sarah's
5 Months
Sliding with Aunt Sarah
6 months
When he gets really happy he kicks his legs
but this picture doesn't do justice to how cute it is - I'll have to find a video!
6 months
Haha REALLY BIG smile!
6 months
Playin with Maria and her hat!
7 months
The Crooked Smile
I love this one! Every once in a while we get a glimpse of Noah's crooked smile. We'll have to wait and see how this develops but it's lookin like he's gonna smile like his Daddy!!
Georgia Photo Shoot with Heath
6 months
Josh showing his crooked smile in Chicago!
The Toothy Smile
This is a new one, but will replace that cute toothless grin soon!
First 2 Teeth!!!
7.5 months
The Filmed Smile
It is very difficult to capture anything a baby does on film, especially this one!! When Noah sees a camera he gets shy (which is quite uncharacteristic of him). So this is the first time we finally got a smile on film! My dad, Granddaddy, watches Noah on Wednesdays and makes lots of videos for us! I got to come home to this video (and many others) on my first day back to work!
Hangin with Granddaddy
2.5 months
I love that Noah is so happy and we get to see many smiles everyday! His joy and laughter light up my life! Josh and I are truly blessed.
Before we knew the sex of our little bundle we had a hard time talking about "it" because we didn't want to call it It! We started calling the baby Button, which came from a name Josh's Papa called him (Papa, Marshall Glenn Firestone, is also where Noah's middle name came from).
I was very impatient and couldn't wait for our 20 week ultrasound to know what we had cookin so at 16 weeks we went to Miracle In Sight in Round Rock, Texas for a gender ultrasound. Neither of us got much sleep the night before because we were so excited! Then we got up early and went to eat Round Rock donuts to get him moving for our little show (I have to admit the donuts were not just about Noah!). It didn't take long for the ultrasound tech to find out that we were having a BOY! When we left we immediately went to the car and called and texted everyone with the news!
We were so happy to find out we were having a boy! On our way home we went to Babies R Us and bought his first outfit, a Texans onesie with matching hat and socks.
Dressed up for his first Texans game
2 weeks old
When we got home from the ultrasound we started looking up names online to try to get an idea about what we liked. We looked on all kinds of sites, and saw any crazy name you can think of! Our original list at the end of that weekend consisted of 10 names.
Everyone wanted to know what we were going to name him so we decided to share our ideas. Basketball playoffs were upon us so Josh thought it was appropriate to make a bracket. We posted on Facebook and got some great comments.
The comments from the original post (the bracket was slightly different, we switched Landon and Silas when we decided against Landon):
haha, im happy that Oliver didnt play cinderella in this bracket. Also glad that Dylan got scratched cause I got dibs on Dylan. Now Landon only made final four because Kayden was pretty weak. Hayden had to beat a helluva name in Dylan so he...'s looking pretty strong. Jayden is a poor mans Hayden: OUT. I am alittle bummed that Noah beat Silas in the first round. Silas Firestone sounds like a really smart, well accomplished person. So I vote for letting Silas and Noah battle again, not on the Ark cause that wouldnt be fair. Silas will win and face Hayden in the finals. Then when the little guy gets here you let him pick between the two as an un-concerned third party. If he looks smart name him Silas, if he looks like a ladies man name him Hayden. If he looks like both name him Cody.
Csy Shrpei'm gonna add support for everything cody had to say there.
May 4, 2010 at 2:05am
Joshua DavisCody you have too much time on ur hands, you need to go bulid a hut or something. haha, anyways f-Beeezzzy take it from me, go with Landon.
Sarah CrawfordJosh this is awesome! For now I would say I am on Team Noah!
May 4, 2010 at 9:41am
Josh FirestoneLook, dont get me wrong, I was terribly disappointed with the Silas v. Noah matchup myself. I am considering a re-bracket, but not because Cody convinced me!
Andres Marcanojayden wins in a blowout, and possibly a shot from downtown at the buzzer just for shits n gigs.
May 4, 2010 at 3:29pm
Nami Nguyenbut you gotta consider the nicknames that'll come from these. jayden will be jay after the 5th grade.
May 4, 2010 at 3:31pm
Chris Memmermaybe name him that later in life he can be the drake!
May 4, 2010 at 3:33pm
Chris Memmerbtw..we'll just be around his friends and teach them to call him firebeezzyyy jr.
May 4, 2010 at 3:33pm
Ben Kozybritney spears named her son jayden. food for thought.
May 4, 2010 at 3:34pm
Andres Marcanojayden = jfire, which is money. in the future kids will be calling each other shit like that
May 4, 2010 at 3:35pm
Brian GrasshoffLandon or Noah. Noah Firestone. amazing. you have to imagine these names being spoken over a loudspeaker at a baseball game, its the only way to decide. watch: NOOOOOAHHHHHHH FIREEEESTOOOOOONE (crowd roars)
May 4, 2010 at 6:39pm
Debbie Peters FirestoneLove the input. I would have to agree with Brian and the loud speaker at a baseball game.
May 4, 2010 at 10:00pm
Donna Beamdad votes for jeffrey glenn jr;-) I like landon!!!!!!
May 6, 2010 at 6:33am
Santiago Ramos9 times out of ten guys named Hayden and Jayden get their asses beat when they go up against guys named Noah and Landon. Food for thought.
May 7, 2010 at 2:38pm
We narrowed it down one by one until we had Noah Glenn Firestone as a winner. We were both so happy when we made this big decision, I don't think I stopped smiling for an hour! By then it was just between Hayden and Noah and I love both but we just thought he seemed like a Noah. It turned out it was the perfect choice because the meaning of Noah is peaceful, and he has been a wonderful baby! We'll see if that lasts through the toddler years!